“We picked up a Bed & Breakfast customer because employees had been seeing rats at the facility, a multi-building complex consisting of an old Inn, cottages, and related buildings. The B&B was very nice, with a small fish pond that provided perfect cover and water for rodents, but the rats were a real threat to the business. I first placed Housing Boxes at all appropriate entry points to drive the rats out. The Housing Boxes provided the ‘punch in the face’ needed to get the rats on the move. Now we are using the two-step process to protect the entire facility with a long-term, dependable rodent barrier. The owner of the B&B is very pleased with the results, as are the employees who don’t have to see rats at work anymore. I am happy to have a very satisfied customer — one that is not calling all the time for me to come and collect dead rat bodies or re-bait traps.”
Chris Buckaloo
January 8, 2018